Monday, March 31, 2008

Quote 35: Life like a book

Life is like a book.

everyday is a new page

with lessons to learn,

adventures to tell


tales of good deed to remember

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Quote 34: Until that Moment

"Don't give up when you still have something to give..

'coz nothing is really over..

until the moment you stop trying.."

Friday, March 28, 2008

Quote 33: First and Last

A man believes he is lucky if he wins the first love of a woman.

but a woman is lucky is she becomes the last love of a man.

Quote 32: Stare

The habit of staring at someone can lead to either of the to serious consequences:

--> intense addiction with paranoia


--> falling in Love...

for real? Ü

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Quote 31: Hotline numbers

Hotline numbers to Jesus:

--> when in sorrow, call John 14

--> when you have sinned, call psalm 51

--> when you're in danger, call psalm 91

--> when you grow bitter, call 1 corinthians 13

--> for paul's secret to happiness, call colossians 3:12-17

--> when your prayers grow narrow and selfish, call psalm 67

Quote 30: Decision

If you're in love,
but afraid to tell the person for some reason,

just think about this:

a moment of embarassment?


a lifetime of regret?

Quote 29: A Reminder

Just a reminder:

"no matter how crazy and funny the scenes around you,
it is useless without that somebody whom you want to LAUGH with"

Quote 28: Loving Seriously

There are only a few people in this world who are born to love seriously...

you are lucky if one of that few is in love with you..

Quote 27: Lie, Cheat and Steal

Never lie, cheat or steal.

If you have to lie,
lie down with the one you love.

If you have to cheat,
cheat death.

If you have to steal,
steal a few moments of your time to make someone happy

Friday, March 21, 2008

Quote 26: Serenity

SERENITY is to walk when others are running,

--- to whisper when others are shouting,

--- to sleep when others are restless,

--- to smile when others are frowning,

--- to calm when others are angry,

--- to pause when others are hurrying,

to pray when others are worrying.

Always find time to be SERENE

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Quote 25: Reason to Live

If you run out of reasons to live..

remember that..

"Someone else's life may never be complete without you in it"

stay happy..

your being loved more than you'll ever know

Quote 24: Within the Heart

Friendship builds within the heart..

you don't know how it happens or where it starts


the happiness it brings gives a special Lift and you realize that friendship is the most perfect gift Ü

Quote 23: Don't Mind 'em


we need to forget about some people from our past..

because of one simple reason,

they just don't belong in our future

Quote 22: Thoughts to ponder

"People say that bad memories cause the most pain,

but actually,

it's the good ones that drive us insane"

Quote 21: They Say

some people say that you don't know what you got 'til it's gone..

but it's really not like that..

you always know what you have..

you just never thought you would loose it..

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Quote 20: Love is

Love is not on what is seen outside,
or how long he/she had known you,

because love is all about what's inside..

and how he/she sacrifices to see you smile..Ü

Quote 19: To tell or not

Sometimes there are things which we think we should let other people know..

and yet..

the moment we tell those people what we feel inside..

it makes us wonder..

probably even regret why we had let others know about those that we feel..

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Quote 18: Live it !

do not live for the expectations of people around you..

live for yourself, for your dreams..

if you messed up, so what?

a life without mistake is a crap Ü

Monday, March 17, 2008

Quote 17: Care

Care is one of the main ingredients that keeps closeness alive

despite distance and schedule..

caring for somebody will eternally be felt by love and friendship

Quote 16: Chance or Choice?

when you meet the right person to love at the right place at the right time...

that's a chance

when you meet someone you're attracted to...

that's a chance too

being caught that there are many people out there who are more attractive, smarter, richer than your mate and yet you decide to love your mate just the same...

that's a choice

attraction comes to us by chance. but through love that lasts is truly a choice..

** fate brings you together but it's still up to you to make it happen

Quote 15: Destiny

Destiny belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams and have the courage to pursue it...

don't stop when you are tired, stop when you're done..

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Quote 14: Just ONE

One lie is enough to break a trust..

One sentence is enough to break a heart..

One second is enough to lose a battle..

One smile is enough to fall in love..

One mistake is enough to lose a job..

One touch is enough to heal a wounded heart..

but whatever our pain and struggle..

One GOD is MORE than enough.

Quote 13: Words

Some words to live by:

1. Go to church. God gives us a week, let's give him back an hour or more.

2. Smile, it can change the world.

3. Tears contain an antimicrobial agent that hekos protect the eyes from bacteria. So once in a while, try crying. It's natural.

4. Boys don't cry, only men do.

5. It's hard to be wisewhen you are deeple in love.

6. Your parents brought you up, don't bring them down.

7. They say time heals but that's big lie. Wounds can only be healed if you decide to be cured.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Quote 12: Be Yourself

It's NOT about being who everyone else WANTS you to be..

it's about being yourself

and finding someone who loves every bit of it.

Quote 11: Life

Life itself is a challenge that we ought to face..

you lose some, you win some,

but if you never give up,
you will discover that sacrifices have the greatest reward.

Quote 10: Almost

have you ever loved someone that's so close?

close enough that all you need to do is grab their hands to make them yours?

but then..

all you could say is..

"i almost had it..


Quote 9: Too Damn Nice

At some point in your life,
you'll meet wonderful people..

so wonderful that you'd fall for them
and think that they feel the same way too..

but the truth is,
they're just nice..

too damn nice..

Quote 8: Friends are

Friendship is like a job at first,
we are applicants
then we became contractuals
and if our performance is good,
we become regular except for one thing..

friend can work even without salary Ü

Quote 7: Find Out

Find out what makes you happy.
and follow what your heart tells you..

They may call you foolish,
but at least you're a happy fool..

not a lonely, empty wise person.

Quote 6: Women

A woman has strengths that amaze men.

She can handle trouble and carry heavy burdens.

She holds happiness, love, and opinions.

She smiles when she feels like screaming.

She sings when she feels like crying,
cries when she's happy and laughs when she's afraid.

Her love is unconditional!

There is only one thing wrong with her,
she sometimes forgets what she is worth.

Quote 5: Friendship

Love starts from the eyes,
grows with dreams.
and ends with tears..

but friendship..

starts with a smile
grows with an understanding
and ends with death..

Quote 4: Finding Someone

find someone who still wants to be with you even if you want to be alone..

someone who'll hug you to make you feel you're worth when you're jealous..

someone who can love you for who you are and whom you can be..

someone who can still make a stand even when everything else turns against the two of you..

find that person..

then never let go. :)

Quote 3: Love

when you realize that your happiness is just second priority compared to the happiness of the one you are with..


you know it's love..Ü

Quote 2: Real Feelings

t's easy to love somebody when everything is wonderful.

but the best proof of someone's love is when they still love you when everything is awful

Quote 1: Not the Time


you just can't have what you want when you want it..

but that doesn't mean you can never have it.

everything takes place at the right time.

it's not NO,

it's just NOT NOW..