Saturday, March 28, 2009

Real Purpose of Love

the real purpose of love
is not getting what we want
but unselfishly giving what we have.

We do not put a price
on the love that we give
because we should give it unselfishly w/out compensation,

we do not love someone
because of what he or she is,
but because of what we are
wen we are w/ that person.

Love should not just about
receiving something n return,

it should be about loving & just loving
because it makes us happy.. .

Sad but True

when you meet a person that
you feel like he's/she's treating you somewhat special..

don't fall for that feeling right away
because it's much painful
wen u start craving for that feeling
not knowing that it's just his/her nature..

so sad
but its true
we fall
in love

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Think About This

Think ab0ut this...

You cannot find
the right person
to love you


it is your love
who can make
that person
right for YOU..

Holding Anger

Holding anger is a poison..
it eats you from inside..

we think that hating
is a weapon that
attacks the person
who harmed us..

but hatred is a curved blade..

and the harm
we do,

we do to

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Just Relax

Whenever your stressed and about to give up

remember ..

STRESSED is just DESSERTS spelled backwards ..

So its just..

A piece of cake! Just relax!

Good Apology

A good apology has 3 parts:

1) I'm sorry.

2) It was my fault.

3) How do I make it right?

A lot of people usually miss the 3rd part.

LOVE spells TIME

Love takes time.

It needs a history of giving and receiving.

Love is the joy that makes
people smile.

Love is easy to feel but so hard to explain,
easy to get but so hard to let go,

easy to spell but so hard to define.

Love is created,
by words
by feelings,

not by humans
by hearts.

Love is not how you forget but how you forgive,
not how you listen but how you understand,

and most of all,
not what you see but what you feel.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

a Drink

"nothing beats a H0T climate like having a C0ld drink with a friend..

but then again..

having a H0T friend at hand during C0ld climates after a few drinks..

d0esnt s0und bad either.."

Robert Solomon


A warning.
An apology.
An interruption.
A plea for attention.
An objection.
An excuse.
A justification.
A reminder.
A trap. A blessing.
A disguise.
A vacuum.
A revelation.
A way of saying nothing.
A way of summarizing everything.
A surrender.
An opening. An end.

No Rewinds

Don't miss the chances that life is giving u to spend with people u love..


when it comes to life,

there are no rewinds

Life: A Battle

Life is a battle of wills, not a battle of skills.

So more often than not,
the man who wins is

the man who thinks he can

Memories don't die

One day,

we're all going to leave for the places we're meant to be.

And sometimes,
that means miles and miles of distance.

But as long as
we always keep the memories of the times we all spent together,
the bonds we form can never ever be broken.
For what you don't kill in your heart can never die

One Fatal Error Can

"it takes a thousand sweet efforts to build a great relationship,

yet one fatal error can destroy everything you have started.."

Will You?

getting even with an enemy was never a good move..


ask this to yourself:

"would you level yourself down with a loser?"

Being Yourself

its N0T about being who everyone else WANTS you to be.

its about being yourself,

and finding someone who loves every bit of it.


does not mean..

you are wrong and the other is right..

it only means,

that you value the relationship much more than personal ego...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Happiest Friends

The world's happiest friends never have the same characters...

They just have the best understanding of their differences...

To Balance

Life is like riding a bicycle.

you have to balance everything.

and in order to maintain balance,

you have to keep moving on.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Just Friends

no matter how much you like one another..

there are things that keep you
from becoming together..

maybe you just have to accept the fact
that there are certain things that have happened
that will forever keep you as ---


Tough to be

it's tough when someone special
starts to ignore you.

but it's even tougher to pretend
that you don't mind...

You are what you are

Always live the life you want to live,
be the person you can be proud of.

Make decisions, make mistakes.
If you fall, its because you tried.
No regrets.

Embrace the total dark in you,
because life is too short ---
to be always cool

YOU are what you are...


Best of Hearts

we all give
the best of our hearts uncritically
to those who hardly
think of us in return

Move on

they say past is past,
we need to move on...
to see the future

but how can we move on
when our past
is the only thing
we ever wanted
in the future


a tongue has no bones..
but it can break a heart

Respect, Time, Need

respect those people who find
TIME for you in their busy schedule

but really love those people
who NEVER SEE their schedule
when you NEED them