Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Not a Superhuman Complex

Love is not a superhuman complex.

You do not love someone because you think he/she needs rescuing,
You love someone because you think you’ve found someone extraordinary and you wouldn’t want to exchange it for anything else in the world

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sharing Your Life

when you share yourself with others,
life begins to find its meaning.

the time you touch the lives of others
is the moment you truly live you purpose.


you'll know if the person really cares
when he ask what's wrong
and when you tell him nothing,
he stays there,

for the real reason.

Be Sensitive

some things may be nothing for us,
yet it could mean the world for others.

some things may be easy for us,
yet so painful for others.
realize this
and know why at times
forgiveness comes hard.

make the most care for other people's feelings
because sorry is not always an effective remedy.


never leave the person who understands you more than anyone else,

someone you can talk to about everything
someone who will stand next to you --
even with your unwanted attitudes.

treasure the one who accepts every bit of you.

10 Ways to Love People

1. Listen without Interrupting [Proverbs 18]

2. Speak without accusing [James 1:19]

3. Give without Sparing [Prov 21:26]

4. Pray without Ceasing [Colossians 1:9]

5. Answer without Arguing [Prov 17:1]

6. Share without Pretending [Ephesians 4:15]

7. Enjoy without complaint [Philippians 2:14]

8. Trust without wavering [Corinthians 13:7]

9. Forgive without Punishing [Colossians 3:13]

10. Promise without Forgetting [Prov 13:12]