Friday, July 17, 2009

Grow Up

When we were little,
we used to think that when we were grown-up
we would no longer be vulnerable.

But to grow up is to accept vulnerability.
To be alive is to be vulnerable.

To Compare Yourself

"Never compare yourself with anyone in this world,

if you do so..

then you are insulting yourself."

Biggest Forms of Flattery

one of the biggest forms of flattery
is knowing that just by being your normal, wonderful self..

you make someone..

fall in love.ΓΌ

Loving Someone

Loving someone is like losing your own pride.
it may be for a good reason,
it may be not.

but what's important is that you're willing to give up something as great as pride for someone you really love...


Kindness is an inner desire that makes us do good things to others even if we don't get anything in return.

It's done with sincerity & done from the heart.
You become worthy not for who you are,
not even for what you have,
but of what others have become because of you.

Can't Resist Falling For

sometimes, being kind isn't enough to win someone's heart..

we're too into finding
that perfect someone, perfect beauty, intelligence & personality..
then after the long search,

we find ourselves falling helplessly
with someone who's not even half of our ideal person..

we fail to realize that no matter how much standards we set,
we'd always end up not with someone we want
but with someone we can't resist falling for...



the heroism in love
is not only seen in the way you fought for it..

but in the way you surrendered it
even though it was supposed to be perfect..

Out of Control

though you can CLOSE your EYES
from the THINGS you DON'T WANT to SEE..

you can NEVER CLOSE your HEART
from the THINGS you DON'T WANT to FEEL..

To Fight For

Not everything you have stays forever.
But there are things you would be glad to fight for,
just so you can have them longer.

Learn to Say Goodbye

It's never good to pin your life on someone else.

You must realize that you were born alone and that you are going to die alone..

No matter how much someone loves you, he/she won't die with you.

One big life lesson to engrave onto your mind is this:



waiting is the most important thing
that you can do for the one you Love. .

but it proved me one thing,
as it goes
it can also..

..change your mind

Life Without Love

Its hard to just forget someone
whom you already consider a part of your life,
it's like taking out a letter off your name.

Its not YOU anymore.

Being A Friend

Sometimes, being a friend means mastering the art of timing..

There is a time for silence, a time to let go and allow friends to hurt themselves into their own destiny..

And, a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it's all over..

Love and Pain

sometimes, you can say
"i moved on"

but deep inside,
you know you're stranded.

well, you want to know how long you'll feel that way?

because, as long as you feel the love,
there will always be pain.


women always worry
about the things
that men forget..


men always worry
about the things
women remember..

To Change Back

we always want things to change..

but once they do,

we wonder why things can't go back to the way they were..

Life's Handy Kit

Life's Handy Kit:

"to remind YOU to pick out the good qualities in others"

"to remind U to be flexible,
things might not always go the way YOU want it"

"to remind YOU to heal hurt feelings, yours & others"

"to remind YOU to list your blessings everyday"

"to remind YOU that everyone makes mistakes & it's okay"

"to remind YOU to stick with GOD
& YOU can accomplish anything!

Friends than Lovers

two people decide to be


even if they have feelings for each other.

wonder why?

i suppose it's not the Love that's so hard to sustain,

but the c0mmitment that complicates everything.

Wake Up to Reality

its hard t0 open your eyes
if your dreams are t0o sweet..

but sometimes
it's a must to wake up
because it's the only reas0nble way
to see reality..

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Being a Grown-Up

the most important thing being a grown-up
is to realize that you're not there to please anyone.

rather, you're there to do something good.

something that makes you happy.

something that could define YOU

Greatest Weakness

the greatest weakness of most humans
is their hesitancy to tell others
how much they love them
while they're alive

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


be patient toward all that is
unsolved in your heart
and try to love the question themselves.

do not seek the answers,
which cannot be given now;
rather live the questions.

all good things come to those who wait.

PATIENCE is the companion of wisdom.
it is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.


opinions are like wrist watches,
everyone's watch shows
a different time from others.

but everyone believes that
their time is correct.

Stay Inlove

there wiil be times
when you will
love someone so much
that even
the simplest gesture
is enough to convince you
and make you stay


Willing To Wait

there are things that you don't want to think of,
but you can't even forget it.

there are things that you don't want to continue,
but you are afraid to end it.

it's just like
you don't want to expect anything,
you are still willing to wait.