Thursday, February 28, 2008

Proverbs 11: Feelings

Many of us think that we are still in love with someone in our past. We always think of him/her, pondering on "what if's and should have been's".

When you're stuck loving someone, no matter how hard you try to forget that person, it's just not enough.

Sometimes all we can do is stay away.

Bad thing, we then realize that there's no way of winning that someone back anymore..

although somehow It helps to stay away..
But just for a while.

Good truth is that we're NOT really in love with that person anymore..

It's just the memories that make us think so.

cause when that person shows you even the smallest gesture of affection,

all your efforts of moving on becomes senseless so you're left alone again with nothing to say but:

"damn. i just fell for that again"


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