Thursday, January 3, 2008

Essay 12: Purpose

God has a purpose in our life.
Everything we do has a significance.
God wants to work through our hands,
speak through our voice,
and love through our hearts.

There was a saying that we are the pencils of God. He guides us using his hands and writing what he wants us to do. In the Filipino saying, we can apply this to "Nasa Diyos and Awa, Nasa tao ang Gawa". That's why we humans rely on everything around us. We become resourceful and completely do the things God wants us to do.

True that a lot of us blame God when we experience crap in our lives. In this kind of state, most of us choose to not to believe in him anymore but isn't it disrespectful of us that when the time comes that we needed him the most, we actually turn to him and to no one else.

Inside the church we are asked if we really believe in God. I was once asked by my Muslim friend if I believe in God. I told him i believe in Him. And he said, how can you prove to me that this God you believe in is real when no one has ever seen Him. I paused for a few moments thinking of what he just said. Of course no living creature has seen God. No one knows his face. And I started to say that even if i don't know my God in flesh, i believe in his works! I mean, how could i be alive if he never created me. How can everything have life if he doesn't exist. I believe in no flesh but of spirit. I won't question God for He is not to be questioned.

Now, this friend of mine knows me very well. He know that i'm fond of solid facts, proofs of every theory that i always come up or find solutions to my questions.

Before the "Da Vinci Code" was released in the Philippines, my friend had a copy from US. He lend this book to me and challenged my faith to God. He gave me a week to read the book and write my own review about my own point of view about the book. Of course not knowing what the content of the book has, i decided to read the book to prove to him that i still believe in my God.

3 days has passed and i have finished reading the book. He immediately came up to me and asked "So? do you still believe in Him?"i laughed for a few seconds and started blabbering about stuff that i know. The book did laid a lot of facts that are too controversing. It took me a week before i regained my senses. And within that time, i always questioned myself if i would let myself be affected of that book of facts. After that week, i consulted the Bible i immediately read everything i could and there! I called my friend and i said.."Yes! i still believe" :)

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